Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy
Inquiry-based Biomedical Research for Undergraduate and Advanced High School Students
City of Hope's Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy gives curious and hardworking students the opportunity to learn about science by actually doing science work:
- Unlike traditional high school or college classes where the course of study is entirely set by the instructor, City of Hope’s summer program students select their own research project according to their individual areas of interest. Selected participants then spend 10 weeks working full-time as a member of a biomedical research team.
- Our world-renowned physicians and scientists serve as mentors, guiding students in their research, while helping them develop their critical thinking skills.
- Weekly seminars allow students to present research findings to their peers, a good primer for what graduate and postdoctoral students do.
- Workshops covered topics such as creating posters for research talks, biomedical ethics and other important subjects.
- Students interact with their peers and their research mentors on a continual basis, fostering valuable relationships for the future.
- Summer program participants also receive a stipend of $4,500 for their work at the completion of their 10 weeks.
Students who join this program are usually surprised and excited by what they learn about working in the world of science. Many see their names included on published research papers, and some have even patented and sold inventions developed with their mentors.
The program was established in 1960 by City of Hope’s director emeritus of neurobiochemistry, Eugene Roberts, Ph.D. Alexandra Levine, M.D., the Dr. Norman & Melinda Payson Professor in Medicine at City of Hope, is a Summer Student Program alumna, as are many prominent scientists in academia and industry.